The Most Advanced PTE Software for Institutes

"Become the most successful PTE Academic training institute of your city by using the best AI-powered PTE software for institutes."
Snapshot of Genebyte's PTE Software for Institutes.

Genebyte's Institute Software for PTE Test Practice & Prep

Genebyte is enhancing how a PTE coaching institute prepares its students for the PTE Academic exam. Our PTE software is tailored to help every PTE Coaching Institute to use technology effectively, focusing on students aiming for study visas and permanent residency.

What Do You Get?

  • Advanced Learning Tools: Provides an integrated platform that makes learning engaging and mirrors the real exam environment of English language proficiency exams.
  • Support for PTE Academic Prep: With the PTE Academic exam gaining importance for students seeking international education, our software offers robust practice material with real exam questions.
  • Simulated Exam Experience: Includes various PTE practice test and mock test that replicate the PTE exam's structure, boosting student confidence and performance that helps them to achieve their desired score.

Genebyte's solution not only improves the way PTE coaching institute operate but also opens up opportunities to attract more students with its cutting-edge features.

Key Features for Coaching Institutes

Genebyte's B2B SaaS solution is designed to meet the unique needs of coaching institutes preparing test takers for the PTE Academic exam. Our PTE software enhances the learning experience with innovative, effective tools that make it a vital resource for your institute.

Our PTE software features an Artificial Intelligence driven Automatic Evaluation System that quickly grades student responses across test formats, providing instant, detailed feedback on fluency, pronunciation for PTE Speaking, grammar and coherence for PTE Writing. This system helps students identify and improve their weak areas efficiently.

  • Instant Feedback: Students immediately see their performance analysis to quickly learn from their mistakes.
  • Detailed Assessments: Breaks down feedback, highlighting specific areas like vocabulary and grammar.
Snapshot of Genebyte's artificial intelligence powered PTE Software.

Genebyte's software allows White-label Branding, enabling institutes to brand the platform as their own. This enhances marketing appeal and lends a professional look to educational offerings, boosting credibility and student trust.

  • Customizable Interface: Adjust the software's appearance to reflect your PTE institute branding.
  • Branding Consistency: Ensures all marketing and operational materials are uniformly branded.

Our platform offers a comprehensive range of PTE Mock Test and Practice Test that simulate the real PTE test in structure and timing, building students' confidence and readiness.

  • Variety of Tests: Covers all exam sections for thorough preparation.
  • Real Exam Environment: Mimics real exam conditions to help students effectively manage their exam time and feel confident about achieving target PTE score.

Genebyte's software integrates skills across Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening, essential for English Academic success. This approach helps students practice and combine skills as they would in the actual exam.

  • Holistic Development: Simultaneously enhances all core skills, reflecting the Pearson Test's integrated scoring method.
Snapshot of a student's exam score report on Genebyte's PTE Software.

Enhancing PTE Coaching Efficiency and Effectiveness for Better Student Results

Incorporating these features, Genebyte's PTE practice software not only aids students in achieving optimal PTE Academic results but also boosts coaching and administrative efficiency.

Customized Content for PTE Academic Preparation

Genebyte recognizes that each coaching institute has unique needs for preparing students for the PTE Academic exam. Our software is highly customizable to align with your institute's specific teaching styles and requirements.

Personalization at Its Core: Our platform supports the integration of your teaching templates and methods, allowing for adjustments to focus on areas like intensive writing drills or comprehensive listening practices.

  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporate your lessons into the platform, maintaining your teaching style.
  • Consistency and Branding: Provide a consistent educational experience that reflects your institute's brand and standards.
Snapshot of detailed performance analysis on Genebyte's PTE Software.

Customized Learning Resources: Our PTE software enables the creation and distribution of tailored PTE study materials and practice questions that meet the specific challenges of the PTE Academic exam.

  • Focused Preparation: These preparation materials and study material are crafted to improve crucial skills such as PTE speaking, fluency and written accuracy, enhancing language proficiency.
Snapshot of Genebyte's PTE Software monthly updated prediction videos.
Snapshot of explanation video in reading section on Genebyte's PTE Software.

Keeping Pace with Exam Trends: The software includes dynamic content updates to ensure it offers the latest and most relevant PTE Academic practice questions.

  • Real-time Updates: Our system promptly reflects changes in exam trends, keeping your preparation materials current.
  • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing feedback from a broad user base helps us refine our materials, ensuring high quality and relevance.
Snapshot of Genebyte's PTE Software practice questions progress tracker.

Student Performance Analytics and Reporting

Genebyte's software includes a comprehensive Analytics and Reporting module that is crucial for PTE coaching institutes preparing students for the PTE Academic exam. This module provides detailed analytics and actionable insights to enhance both student performance and instructional quality.

Comprehensive Analytics Dashboard: Our software includes a robust analytics dashboard that offers detailed insights into each student's performance, allowing educators to track progress, identify trends, and focus on areas needing improvement.

  • Real-Time Data: Educators have instant access to performance metrics, enabling them to quickly adapt teaching strategies in their PTE class to better meet student needs.
Snapshot of Genebyte's PTE Software test score graph for students.

Benefits of Genebyte's Software for Coaching Institutes

Genebyte's B2B SaaS solution provides numerous benefits for coaching institutes preparing students for the PTE Academic exam. Our software enhances student performance, streamlines preparation processes, and gives institutes a marketing edge.

Centralized Resource Hub: Offers a single access point for all learning materials, making study resources readily available and easy to find.

Advanced Analytical Tools: Features a variety of tools beyond the pitch and pace meters as well, all aimed at enhancing students' English language proficiency, which is essential for the PTE Academic exam. These tools simulate real-life scenarios, provide immediate feedback, and assist students in refining their strategies to achieve their target scores.

Instant Dictionary with Pronunciations
Changeable Voice Speeds for Audio Questions
Monthly Updated Prediction Videos
PoS Classification for Reading Section
Timed Mode in Practice Questions
Video Explanations for Difficult Questions

Success Stories: Many partner institutes report significant improvements in student scores, particularly in speaking, leading to higher pass rates and more students achieving target scores.

Attract More Students: Genebyte's software acts as a marketing tool, showing that institutes employ cutting-edge technology for the best PTE Academic preparation.

  • Competitive Differentiation: Highlights easier preparation with Genebyte versus traditional methods for online exams like PTE, influencing institute choice among students!
  • Promotional Content: Institutes can use success stories and data as promotional material to attract new students, demonstrating the effectiveness of their programs.

Client Testimonials

Genebyte's B2B SaaS solution has significantly impacted coaching institutes globally, enhancing student outcomes and business growth. We share a few testimonials and case studies that demonstrate the transformative effects of our software on educational practices.

Global Language Institute, Punjab

Challenge: Low student pass rates on the PTE Academic.

Solution: Implemented Genebyte's AI-powered, comprehensive tools.

Outcome: Pass rates in PTE Exam increased by 40% and enrollment grew by 25% within six months.

"Genebyte has boosted our students' performance and our market competitiveness!📈"

The English Hub, Sydney

Challenge: Need to stand out in a saturated market.

Solution: Adopted Genebyte's white-label branding for a personalized learning experience.

Outcome: 50% enrollment growth due to improved market presence and student satisfaction.

"Genebyte's comprehensive tools helped us meet our students' specific preparation needs.🖥️"

EnglishWise, Pan-Australia (and 7 more countries)

Challenge: Need to expand PTE teaching scope throughout the globe.

Solution: Partnered with Genebyte and offered its AI-powered cloud-based PTE solution to students globally.

Outcome: Streamlined integration helped in implementation of services to students of targeted countries!

"Genebyte's team offered very quick turn-around whenever we had any queries.✅"

Most Liked Features of Our Software

Genebyte's PTE software for institutes provides comprehensive practice sessions, authentic PTE exam environment, effective progress tracking, and personalized guidance, all contributing to superior educational outcomes.

  • Student KPI Dashboard
  • Time and Speed Management Tools
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Advanced Practice Section
  • Specialized Tools for PTE Academic Sections
  • Comprehensive Test Suite
  • Personalized Questions and Content Database
  • User-Friendly Interface with Easy Integration
  • Scalable Technology
  • Prompt Support and Onboarding
These features collectively enhance teaching capabilities and student learning experiences, driving notable improvements in academic performance and institutional growth.

What is the cost of PTE software?

We offer two pricing packages — Silver and Gold

These have been tailored to meet the diverse needs and scales of coaching institutes preparing students for PTE Academic.

**Vendor details below.




Silver Package

(Ideal for Smaller Institutes)

  • Affordable Starting Cost
  • User Account Validity:
    30 days
  • Complete Access
  • Dedicated On-Call Support
  • 10% Bonus Credits
I'm interested!logo

Gold Package

(Ideal for Larger Institutes)

  • Higher Initial Investment
  • User Account Validity:
    60 days
  • Complete Access
  • Dedicated On-Call Support
  • 10% Bonus Credits
I'm interested!

Choosing the Right Plan

To choose the best package consider the following:


Institute Size

Smaller institutes may prefer the Silver package, while larger ones benefit from the Gold package's extended features.


Budget and Investment

Assess the feasible initial investment and the potential return on investment each package offers in improving student outcomes and operational efficiency.


Growth Plans

Consider future expansion needs; upgrading from Silver to Gold can smoothly accommodate growth.

Why PTE Academic Institutes Trust Genebyte

Under the guidance of Bhrat Brij, a pioneer in merging Information Systems with analytical prowess, we've revolutionized the PTE preparation and language proficiency tests' sphere.

Our PTE software grows with your institute, accommodating varying student volumes and ensuring seamless functionality.

Our utmost priority is ensuring the confidentiality of student data and the institute's proprietary content.

Take the Next Step

Discover how Genebyte can redefine your PTE Academic coaching institute's trajectory. Let's embark on the success story together.

Schedule a Free Demonstration: Book a demo to explore our software's functionalities and how they can be adapted to your needs.

**The details mentioned above were curated with the utmost care. However, specific features and benefits might evolve over time. It's always best to contact our team for the most recent practice questions and other updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Genebyte's B2B SaaS solution is a white-label PTE practice software tailored for every PTE institute. It offers an automatic evaluation portal powered by advanced AI, allowing real-time student feedback for their PTE test attempts. The platform enhances PTE trainer efficiency with ample practice material, instant score, integrated tools and analytics.

Our PTE practice test evaluation portal meticulously analyzes every Pearson test attempt by a student. It provides immediate feedback and score, highlighting strengths and problem areas. For instance, it can identify specific challenges a student might face in the PTE speaking module, such as fluency issues.

Absolutely! Our PTE software for institutes is fully customizable and contains extensive study material, reflecting your institute's branding and ethos. This ensures students experience a seamless transition and feel at home using the platform for their PTE study and practice sessions.

Data security is paramount for us. We employ cutting-edge encryption techniques and adhere to strict data handling protocols. Student data and your institute's proprietary content remain confidential and protected.

Institutes gain numerous advantages, including:

  • Increased Revenue: By offering premium, tech-driven PTE Class and services.
  • Enhanced Trainer Efficiency: Streamlining administrative tasks and providing data-driven insights.
  • Scalability: The software adapts to varying student volumes.

Yes, our PTE practice software solution is cloud-based. This ensures accessibility from anywhere, promoting continuous learning for students and trainers alike.

PTE Coaching institutes can offer students an edge through premium, technology-driven services with our platform. The AI-powered evaluation, real-time feedback and score, real exam questions, preparation materials and data-driven insights set institutes apart, justifying higher fee structures for PTE preparation.

Absolutely! Our platform is designed for institutes of all sizes. It's scalable, ensuring it grows alongside your institute, accommodating varying student volumes and PTE online coaching needs.

Reach out to our team. We'll guide you through the integration process, ensuring a smooth transition for your experienced PTE teachers and students.

Of course! We provide comprehensive demos, have various PTE tutorial videos and PTE training sessions for your PTE trainer to help your institute get the most out of our AI Evaluation Software.