Summarize Written Text Question
During PTE Core exam, the 10 minutes timer starts immediately as soon as you see this question prompt. It signifies that your writing section has started.
Read the internal memo from a technology company regarding upcoming remote working policies. Read and summarize the passage using between 25 and 50 words. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.
Summarize Written Text Passage
To All Employees,
As part of our ongoing efforts to adapt to the changing work environment and to support the well-being of our team, we are introducing a new remote working policy that will be effective starting next quarter.
This policy allows employees the flexibility to work from home up to two days per week, with team leads coordinating specific days to ensure ongoing productivity and collaboration. Our aim is to balance the benefits of remote work with the value of in-person interactions at the office.
To facilitate this transition, the company will provide stipends for home office setups to those who require it, ensuring everyone has the necessary equipment and internet capabilities. Training sessions on remote working best practices and tools will also be offered over the coming weeks.
We believe this policy will not only enhance work-life balance but also maintain, if not increase, our overall productivity and team spirit.
Further details and guidelines will be shared in the employee handbook update. For any immediate questions, please contact HR.
Best Regards,
HR Director
90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Summarize Written Text
The text primarily discusses remote working policy, highlighting the importance of home office setups. Additionally, it touches on training sessions, accentuating the significance of enhancing work-life balance. It concludes by suggesting overall productivity, thereby unequivocally delineating team spirit.
The SWTCORE template is used in this sample answer to attain full marks. For the Summarize Written Text question type, factors such as Content, Form, Grammar, and Vocabulary Range determine your score. In the picture below, it can be seen how this answer achieves full scores in all these areas!
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Template used in this Summarize Written Text Sample Answer
The entire template can even be memorized before you type it. Presented here is the template for the PTE Core Summarize Written Text item-type.
Summarize Written Text Core Template
The text primarily discusses keyword/keyphrase, highlighting the importance of keyword/keyphrase. Additionally, it touches on keyword/keyphrase, accentuating the significance of keyword/keyphrase. It concludes by suggesting keyword/keyphrase thereby unequivocally delineating keyword/keyphrase.
*Now, with the above template, you only have to add a few phrases from the text-passage.
Example phrases for the current writing summary task:
A templated response needs to have words from the question-text, and here is a list of such words and phrases that you can use. All of these words and phrases are directly from the text of SWT prompt, thus giving you several ideas for creating your own answer.
remote working policy, home office setups, training sessions, enhance work-life balance, overall productivity, team spirit